Joël Moens de Hase (°1959) is a Belgian artist.

Joël has a Master of Business degree, but for his artistic education, he went to La Grange des Champs in Braine L’Alleud and he also studied at the Academie of Uccle. He is living and working in Brussels.

His photomosaics emerged in 2011 and were rapidly appreciated worldwide. The digital art of Moens de Hase is a contemporary version of pixel art and pointillism. For his art he uses contemporary tools: Internet, a computer, software and digital photography. Our society is extremely digitalized and hyper-connected. Every day we are overwhelmed by countless images, which are often erotic.

This is reflected in the thousands of pictures composing his work. The artist wants to surprise, he wants to move and create the sublime. He puts strong, emancipated and sensual women at the center of his work. The man’s desire and attraction for a woman is the essence of his art. The way these women in panties, without faces, are portrayed, could be called a noble eroticism: without provoking, but not indifferent. The tiny photographs on the background give depth to the central intense image. Together they create a sensual primary image, depicting a woman or an aspect of a woman.

“Tiny photomosaics create a sensual woman’s image.”

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