Liberty (Libby) Battson (°1990, Benoni, South Africa) is a South-African artist.

Liberty has a BA in Fine Arts from the University of Pretoria, since 2013. She received many awards and her art can be admired in numerous collections.

For her early compositions she relied on algorithms and data. However, very soon, she opposed to her own rules to focus more on the aesthetics and thus claiming her artistic freedom. Colours, texture and lines are the pure essence of her artworks.

The artist has been inspired by the Modernist theories around abstraction and the pursuit for true art. She wishes the spectator to easily understand her art and use of colour. Sometimes she even hides comments in Morse Code in it. The Modernist use of non traditional materials is also very dear to her, as her preferred medium is 2K automotive paint on canvas.

“Pure expression of freedom through colours and lines, in abstract art.”

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